Abstract Submission

For abstract template press here 


All abstracts must be submitted electronically using the web-based submission. Guidelines for abstract preparation are provided below and should be read carefully prior to preparing your abstract. Abstract Submission Deadline July 29, 2024



All abstracts must be submitted electronically using the web-based submission. Do not e-mail or mail hardcopies of the abstract.

For consideration of your abstract, the following information must be entered on the website before your abstract is uploaded.

  • Name, mailing address, phone, and e-mail of the first author;
  • Names and affiliations of the co-authors;
  • Complete contact information of the corresponding author if other than the first author;
  • Identification of the abstract as regular participant or student paper;
  • Assignment of abstract category based on the topics that are provided.

Please follow the instructions below to submit your article through our web site.

  • Please go to the www.enefmcongress.org and press the button abstract submission on the left.
  • Please presses on the link make submission at the top.
  • Please fill out all the information on the page and upload your abstract according to the formats given in page accessed by abstract preparation button in the main page
  • If you wish to make an ORAL presentation, please write it in the Comments area. Abstracts for all Oral presentations are peer reviewed by 3 referees with expertise in the area of the abstract sent and may take up to 5 weeks to be accepted.
  • Finally, please click on the link make submission button at the bottom of the page.

If you encounter problems at any point in the abstract submission process, please contact to congress secretariat by sending e-mail to enefm@enefmcongress.org



Merdivenköy, İlkyuva Sk. No: 1D, 34732

Kadıkoy/Istanbul TURKEY

T+90 216 330 80 90 

+90 216 302 97 23 

E-mail: enefm@enefmcongress.org 


01 Abstract Submission  Open

02 Deadline for all Oral Presentation to be paid: September 7, 2024

03 Notification of Acceptance, within 1-3 weeks after the receipt of abstract


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